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Ongoing Support

The Award Winning Ongoing Support programme from Easy Green Deal offers existing Green Deal Installers and Green Deal Advice Organisations a simple, expert solution for maintaining compliance.

If you are already a Green Deal Installer or Green Deal Advice Organisation? Then call our team to find out more about how we can maintain your compliance for you throughout the year.

Green Deal Support

The Green Deal launched in 2013 alongside the Energy Company Obligation with the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund also launching in 2014. Green Deal Installers & Green Deal Advisory Organisations are at the forefront of demand covering more than fifty different energy efficiency measures including; Cavity Wall Insulation, Double Glazing, Gas Boilers, External Wall Insulation and Renewable technologies including; Solar PV, Solar Thermal and Heat Pumps. Maintaining your Green Deal Certification is now vital to your business.

At Easy Green Deal we will ensure you continue to meet all the requirements of the Green Deal and ensure you continue to remain compliant as a Green Deal Installer or Green Deal Advisory Organisation in a cost and pain free manner.

Green Deal Certification Support

All our Green Deal Certification Ongoing Support Packages Include;

  • Bespoke Green Deal Quality Management System (Green Deal QMS), designed from your company's precise requirements and meeting all the requirements and regulations of the Green Deal, PAS 2030, Green Deal Code of Practice and Green Deal Assessor Organisation standards.
  • A personal Green Deal Consultant supporting you for 12 months, through your annual Green Deal audit, any spot checks and ensuring you remain compliant throughout the year.
  • Online Dashboard with your bespoke Green Deal QMS, online record and project management and direct contact with your personal Green Deal consultant.
  • Access to our industry leading partnerships with Green Deal Providers, Manufacturers, Training Providers & Networks.
  • Access to Green Deal work.
  • Bespoke on/off site Green Deal Support and regular Consultancy from one of our Green Deal Certification Consultants.
  • Support on the Installation Qualifications and competencies required for Green Deal Certification with exclusive discounts on Training Courses.
  • Support on the Green Deal Requirements for the practical installation, including the customer handover and working with the Green Deal Provider.
  • Support on becoming a Green Deal Advisor for both domestic and commercial properties, including required Green Deal Training Courses and preparation for the Green Deal Advisory Organisation assessment.

For further information or to discuss your company's ongoing Green Deal compliance please don't hesitate to give our Green Deal team a call on 0161 768 5807.