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Energy Efficient Glazing and Doors

Energy Efficient Glazing & Doors are an approved Green Deal measure under the Building Fabric Measures category.

What are Energy Efficient Glazing & Doors?

All properties lose heat through their windows. Energy efficient glazing keeps the home warmer and quieter as well as reducing energy bills. This could come in the form of double or triple glazing, secondary glazing or simply heavier curtains.

Benefits of Energy Efficient Windows

  • Smaller energy bills – replacing all single-glazed windows with B-rated double glazing could save you around £165 per year on your energy bills
  • A smaller carbon footprint – by using less fuel, you’ll generate less of the carbon dioxide that leads to global warming, typically 680kg a year
  • A more comfortable home – energy efficient glazing reduces heat loss through windows and means fewer draughts and cold spots
  • Peace and quiet – as well as keeping the heat in, energy efficient windows insulate your home against outside noise
  • Reduced condensation – energy efficient glazing reduces condensation build-up on the inside of windows

The costs and savings for energy efficient glazing will be different for each home and each window, depending on the size, material and installer. Double glazing should last for 20 years or more.

How does Energy Efficient Glazing work?

Double glazed windows have two sheets of glass with a gap between them usually about 16mm, to create an insulating barrier that keeps heat in, (this is sometimes filled with gas). Triple-glazed windows have three sheets of glass but aren’t always better than double-glazed windows.

Energy efficient windows come in a range of frame materials and styles. They also vary depending on:

  • How well they stop heat from passing through the window
  • How much sunlight travels through the glass
  • How little air can leak in or out around the window

Alternatives to Double Glazing

Secondary Glazing

A secondary of pane of glass and frame can be fitted inside the existing window reveal. This won’t be as well sealed as a double-glazing unit, but will be much cheaper to fit and will still save energy. Low emissivity glass will improve the performance of secondary glazing.

Heavy curtains, sealed blinds and shutters

Curtains lined with a layer of heavy material can reduce heat loss from a room through the window at night and cut draughts. Hollow blinds, fitted into place with a sealed frame and sealed shutters will also help cut draughts and keep heat in for longer.

For further information on Green Deal Certification for Energy Efficient Glazing and Doors, please contact our team on 0161 768 5807. Alternatively please email us at [email protected]