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Electric Storage Heaters

Electric Storage Heaters are an approved Green Deal measure under the Building Service Electrical category.

What are Electric Storage Heaters?

An electric storage heater is a heater which is designed to operate using cheaper, off peak electricity and also to store heat. There are four types of heater, each one offering a different level of comfort control:

  • Manual control models
  • Automatic models
  • Combination models
  • Smart fan assisted models

When demand for electricity is nationally low, off peak electricity is supplied to people’s homes, during what is known as the ‘off peak period’. As it is off peak the electricity is supplied at a cheaper rate, in comparison to the rate charged during the day when demand for electricity is higher. As storage heaters use energy supplied by low cost, off peak electricity they will always be cheaper to run over a 16 hour day than direct acting heaters which use day rate electricity.

Benefits of Electric Storage Heaters

  • They are clean
  • They have a long life span
  • They are 100% efficient
  • They require no annual maintenance
  • They are easy to upgrade

For further information on Green Deal Certification for Electric Storage Heaters, please contact our team on 0161 768 5807. Alternatively please email us at [email protected].