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Flue Gas Heat Recovery

Flue Gas Heat Recovery is an approved Green Deal and ECO measure under the Building Services Mechanical category.

Flue Gas Heat Recoverycan be used as a way to make your boiler much more efficient and useful. Heating costs are increasing every single year without fail and that's why installing flue gas heat recovery systems is becoming increasingly popular. There's simply no point wasting a lot of money on heating costs if all the steam is going to be allowed to escape anyway.

Any boiler which works by burning fuels to produce heat will need to have some form of vent or chimney to get rid of the fumes from the house without them causing danger. Flue gas heat recovery systems are a great help for any boiler because they will prevent a loss of heat.

What is Flue Gas Heat Recovery?

Almost all boilers will be powered by oil or natural gas. Both of these things produce fumes when they are burned which means that they must be vented to allow the fumes to escape. Inadequate venting means that the fumes aren't able to escape and this can actually be very dangerous.

It's not just fumes which will escape up the chimney; actually heat will also escape up the chimney. This is a major problem for many people because there's no point heating the whole world. You're paying for every little bit of gas that you're using so why wouldn't you want to extract every single bit of heat possible?

A flue vent damper is one of the most efficient methods of shutting off the flue when the boiler has stopped firing. It ensures that the flue is only open when it actually needs to be. Any heat loss can be avoided because the flue will automatically close and shut off when it is not needed.

Flue dampers are very useful devices to fit on all types of different boilers including gas, oil and steam boilers. Vent dampers are mechanical devices that automatically control the flow of heat and vapour as it leaves the boiler.

Vent dampers and other flue gas heat recovery devices are very easy to install and fit. These vent dampers are installed by cutting a section out of the flue pipe and then replacing it with a flue damper. This is then fixed and bolted into place so that it is able to restrict the flow of fumes and gasses leaving the boiler and passing up the flue.

Before installing any vent damper you must first ensure that your boiler is turned off and that the flue is cold to the touch. You should never attempt to work on a hot flue as it's too easy to accidentally cause yourself harm.

The flue damper can be fitted for a few hundred pounds and installation will produce on-going savings in heating costs.

For further information on Green Deal Certification for Flue Gas Heat Recovery, please contact our team on 0161 768 5807. Alternatively please email us at [email protected]