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Flat Roof Insulation

Flat Roof Insulation is an approved Green Deal and ECO measure under the Building Fabric Measures category.

What is Flat Roof Insulation?

Upgrading flat roofs can be relatively straightforward to achieve. The main considerations are as follows:

  • Increasing the thermal performance, or U-value of the roof build up
  • Maintaining the waterproof membrane
  • Avoiding thermal bridging at the junction with the wall insulation

Flat roofs are insulated by adding rigid insulation boards above the existing structure. Decisions to be made include:

  • Whether to remove or retain the existing waterproof layer
  • Whether to choose a warm or inverted roof solution
  • How to overlap with any External Wall Insulation and maintain continuity

Warm proofs are preferred. As with inverted roofs, there is a tendency for cold rainwater to percolate between the insulation to the waterproof layer. However, inverted roofs have the advantage that the roof membrane is protected. Typically, additional roof timbers are required to carry an extended eaves and fascia to accommodate the External Wall Insulation.

 For further information on Green Deal Certification for Flat Roof Insulation, please contact our team on 0161 768 5807. Alternatively please email us at [email protected]