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Hot Water Systems

Hot Water Systems are an approved Green Deal measure under the Building Services Mechanical category.

What are Hot Water Systems?

Choosing the method by which hot water is supplied is often pre-determined by the choice of central heating system; which is ironic as heating systems in the UK are used on average for less than five months of the year. In addition the amount of heating required can be pre-determined, i.e. 18 degrees centigrade in the bedrooms, 21 degrees in the living room and so on.

It is the hot water requirement that tends to vary with usage, yet it is often treated as a lower requirement to, boiler location, ease of installation, cost etc. The issue is often compounded by the variety and choice of water heating systems that are now available, yet in general terms there are only two main types of system:

  • Instantaneous water heating which heats water as required
  • Hot water storage, which stores hot water ready for use

For further information on Green Deal Certification for Hot Water Systems, please contact our team on 0161 768 5807. Alternatively please email us at [email protected].